Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Please Don’t Eat Sushi, Love Mom

December 6, 2008

sushismall1Check out this great video produced by Adam Chester, who was musical director on What’s My Line, Live on Stage, and has worked extensively with Elton John. For anyone who is a son or daughter (and I think that’s all of you!) this is a must see!

Jim Benson, host, TV Time Machine

Welcome to the TV Time Machine blog!

November 6, 2008

Hi, this is Jim Benson, host of the internet radio show TV Time Machine. Here on the TVTM blog, I’ll be sharing impressions and insights on the guests I interview on the show.

I’ll also reveal inside information on my forays into the world of TV DVD production–as in my recent involvement as Historical Consultant and commentary contributor and producer on Rod Serling’s Night Gallery Season 2 for Universal.

Here you’ll find interesting clips from TV past and present, as well as my thoughts on the role of TV as both a mover and a mirror of our culture. If you are fascinated by this amazing medium and the people who create it, you’ve come to the right blog.

I look forward to meeting you here in cyberspace through your comments and contributions, as we all climb aboard the TV Time Machine. Stay tuned for the next installment, coming your way soon!jim154x115