Posts Tagged ‘Stingray’

Is Kim Jong Il pulling the world’s strings?

April 8, 2009


With North Korea’s recent missile launch, some might argue that Kim Jong Il is pulling the world’s strings. 


But in 2004, the North Korean dictator was having his strings pulled, courtesy of two filmmakers who were inspired by a trio of classic TV Shows.


In the early 1960’s, British TV producer Gerry Anderson perfected the art of animating puppets for a series of children’s action shows titled Stingray, Thunderbirds, and Fireball XL5. Forty years later, Trey Parker and Matt Stone drew upon their fond memories of these classic kids shows, and the satirical skills developed on their animated show South Park, creating a group of puppet terrorist-busters, blowing away the likes of Kim Jong Il, in their motion picture epic entitled… Team America: World Police.


Jim Benson

Host, TV Time Machine